A Business Game to experience the management of a restaurant for our students

During 4 days, students in Bachelor in International Foodservice Management and in International Culinary Arts Management have opened their virtual restaurants on the Cesim Hospitality Only Business Game and have faced the management and the complexity of commercial operations of a restaurant. 

A pedagogical tool to develop its managerial skills and face the reality of the profession 


The principal objective of this interactive game is to be immersed in a dynamic and competitive environment as a restaurant owner to understand the complexity of the commercial operations happening while managing a restaurant. The students experiment different strategies and tactics through the serious game that is taking into consideration contextual facts such as the past, the environment and the market. Afterwards students are able to analyse the impact of the decisions they made. 

Supervised by their teachers, the students face different situations that have an impact on their activity. Those changes force them to think of and use all the management learnings they got : pricing, human resources, profitability, quality of client experience. 

Students are divided in groups and the game is set up in 4 stages : 

  • For of all, they define objectives relatively to the context given and settle a strategy 
  • Make decisions that are then confirmed and taken into consideration by the game with the export of the most relevant, 
  • Analysis of the results and compare them to the ones of the other groups
  • Adapt its tactic and its strategy

Students have also been challenged on many other aspects :

  • Creation of restaurant brand and visual identity to work on creativity
  • Analysis of the human resources policy to understand the impact of work placement decision
  • Doing cross analysis to understand the work of other groups in a relevant way.

Bocusiens are ready to face the company world

This pedagogical tool allow students to become main actors of their training and to acquire valuable experiences on soft skills that are essential for their future career, such as team work. Teamwork because are not choosing their team, they have to discover each other and define the role and mission for each member, and together they face the challenges, find solutions and adapt. 

This experience is a real immersion for our young talents to confront them to the reality of the industry they will be working in. 

A game that is going to be reality for many of them, 33% of our students live the dream of being an entrepreneur within 5 years after graduating. 

The pedagogical philosophy based on experiences is part of our DNA : professional experience in pedagogical restaurants and hotels, Business games, SPOOC, inverted class, ephemeral restaurant concepts… Everything is made for the development of skills for our students : sense of responsibility, management agility, creativity and entrepreneur state of mind. 

Find out more about our programs and educational philosophy : 

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