STEP : The pedagogical project to learn and grow thanks to theatre

Learn and grow thanks to theatre, this can sound a bit weird when we are a student in hospitility… And actually, this is the objective of the project STEP for the 2nd-year students in Bachelor’s in Internaitonal Hospitality Management.

STEP is a project in which during one week our students becomes comedians. They create and deliver on the stage of a theatre in Lyon a unique and original representation. 

From the hotel to the stage, there is not so much difference 

The objectives of this project are to highlight the relation between Art and the Food Service, to help the students in their professional and personal accomplishment and develop their self-confidence. Service is based on attitude and mastering the gesture, and so is theatre. 

Supervised by professionals comedians to work on conception and realization, they had one week to build a one-hour show on the theme “birthday party”. Singing, music, dance, acting, everything is allowed ! 

The show is open to voluntarily opened to the public to sensibilize the students to face them to people taking a critical look, be watched and let themselves be seen.  

develop its soft skills thanks to innovative pedagogical methods

STEP is a collective, artistic and creative project that allows each student to express their creativity in the field of hospitality, food service and culinary arts. 

Divided in teams, the students have experienced the importance of teamwork which is inherent in their future career in the hospitality industry. They learn to find their place in a group : how to contribute to the group, analyse with a critical look his engagement and his place in the group ?

Definitely based on innovative pedagogical methods, the Institut Paul Bocuse does not stop to share and transmit to the students a modern and new vision on the opportunities in the culinary arts, hospitality and food service industries to prepare them to face the challenges of tomorrow. Each year, we experience new innovative pedagogical methods : hackaton, serious game, design thinking, MOOC, SPOOC, … 

You are interested in working in the Hospitality industry ? Find out more about our Bachelor in International Hospitality Management. 

Find out more 

And if you would like to discuss with students from this Bachelor :